Kid Approved is Now Coffee + Thread!

I have considered changing the blog name for a while now. When I chose Kid Approved three long years ago, it fit perfectly with what I was doing at the time. I sewed exclusively for my children. My goal was to make things that were a bit different, perhaps fashion forward, yet still practical and comfortable, in other words things that I liked but that were also approved by my children. For the most part, I succeeded. They all love when I sew for them. But my interests have broadened and evolved with time.

Every time I wanted to post about a project I made for myself, it felt out of place. It also seemed that I needed to post more of crafty projects directed at kids and it's not something am particularly interested in. But my biggest reason behind the change is that I would like to venture into adult pattern making. Maybe not immediately, I have a girl dress in the works, but I didn't' want the name to prevent me from ever doing it. So here we are, Coffee + Thread it is. The birth of the name was a bit long and painful. I just couldn't come up with anything that would fit me, was not already taken or didn't sound either too cutesy or pretentious. One night  I was chatting with a talented friend of mine, Vanessa of LBG Studio, complaining about my struggles with choosing a name, when she suggested Coffee+Thread. I loved it. She also helped me a great deal with the logo script! I am very grateful for so many talented bloggers offering their help and support, it's such an amazing community!

I thought such a big change requires a celebration! I am offering 25% off my patterns. SHOP HERE.
But that's not all of course. I asked a few of my blogger friends to donate their patterns to a celebratory giveaway! Yeah! And then I decided to throw some fabric into a mix as well.  I will pick two winners. The giveaway will run through September 10, 2015.

Prize package #1
1. 2 patterns of choice from Jennuine Design. Love the new Moto jacket pattern, perfect for the fall. If you are in the Southern hemisphere, perhaps the Satya romper will be more appropriate. :)
2. 2 patterns of choice from Straight Grain. I made quite a few of An's patterns, love them all!
3. 2 patterns  from Things for Boys. I am not much of a quilter, but Luminous quilt pattern makes me want to try.
4. 2 patterns of choice from Mouse House Creations. I made and remixed Hayley's patterns a few times, they are all great and versatile.
5. The Bond Top from Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy Crafts and Design. My son loved the one I made for him. Can be easily remixed as a girl top too.
6. 2 patterns of choice from Sew Much Ado. Abby's patterns are great, very cute and practical.
7. A $25.00 gift card to Hawthorne Threads. They carry all the popular designers!
8. An Anna Elise by Bari J quarter bundle from Art Gallery Fabrics.

Prize Package #2

1. 2 patterns of choice from Sew Fearless I am looking forward to making one of Jody's bag patterns!
2. 2 patterns of choice from LBG Studio  Love everything Vanessa does! I made the Senna Tote, and I use it all the time. 
3. 2 patterns of choice from Baste & Gather. Lauren's patterns are very well done! 
4. 5 patterns of choice form Heidi & Finn. Just plain awesomeness times five. 
5. a $30.00 gift card to The Fabric Fairy Such a great shop. Their knit selection is outstanding. 
7. One Willow & Co pattern, now exclusively sold through UpCraft Club. 
8. A mystery gift (picture in my IG feed) from Michael Miller fabrics

Please use the Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. You need to complete the first prompt to enter, the rest are up to you. But of course, the more you complete the better chance you have to win. Good luck!


  1. I like your new name! And I am already looking forward to the possibility of adult patterns!

  2. Congrats on the new name! I like it! And what a fantastic give away, wow, fingers crossed :)

  3. Congrats on the rebranding and thanks for the giveaway. I have the Mulberry on my list to make for my little guy.

  4. Congratulations! I'm super excited about the possibility of adult patterns!

  5. Good luck to you Olga, it's always fun to see what you create!

  6. New name, new blog look! Love it! Well done, Olga!

  7. I like your new look and the name! Does this mean you drink coffee while you sew? Then we have something in common :)

  8. I like the new name. I also found lots of new places to visit, thanks!!!

  9. Great new name, and what a terrific giveaway! Needless to say, I am SO excited that you are going to be doing adult patterns in the future!

  10. Great new name and look Olga! I can't wait to see some more of your ladies sewing!

  11. What a nice change. I like the new name very much. I'm looking forward to the next pattern

  12. Congrats on making this step Olda 😁 I am curious about your new pattern!

  13. Love the name! I can´t imagine sewing without coffee! <3

  14. Congrats, Olga, terrific new name :)
    I'm wishing you a joyful future <3

  15. Love the new name and the new look! Thanks for organizing such a great giveaway. I am excited to see more to come. And isn't it great to have awesome friends who have the perfect idea at the perfect time =)


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